Firebase google auth

Hi! Im trying to do login with google auth and cant seem to get it to work, I dont know what im doing wrong, Ive got Google access method enabled, the google-services.json is in my assets, these are the blocks:


Any help?

While I can’t find any errors in the blocks, I’ll suggest that the data structure should be email/userID. Also, did you enable Google Sign In in the Authentication section of the Firebase Console?

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Hi! Thanks for the reply, I do have Google Sign In enabled in the Auth section in the console.

Can´t seem to figure out what might be wrong.

have you checked it in compiled apk or in companion?

Hi! Ive checked in the compiled APK.

Any thoughts?


make sure check everything again like settings json file and json file name must be correct,

1 last thing you can check is Package name…
Sometime because of package it’s happen so check it @gopayarg

hi @Alapjeet, @ImranTariq, ive checked the package name, the google-services.json file, and that google is enabled in the auth section, still cant seem to get it to work, login and signup with email and password is working fine, but google sign in is not.

what is configuration in firebase auth? which method you have set there?

Ive got email and google, ive added the client ID to google auth:

have you saved json file after configure this?

I have, i updated the google-services.json file in my assets, just in case. I dont understand, email login works, google does not.

I was sure to add the clientID to Google Auth.

It seems I have to get the SHA-1 key from my app and add it on firebase, any idea of how I do that?

that needs for otp sms i think. for google you dont needs that.

Than I don´t know whats wrong, i´ve got everything set up and it does not work.

@ImranTariq I added the SHA-1 Keystore to firebase and now Google sign in is working!


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Are you using Firebase on any additional screens? I keep getting Access Denied on my other screens when I try to access Firebase after my log in screen.

Hi Gary, I am, after log in I go to another screen.

After log in I get current user and go to main screen.

And firebase works fine on the other screens with rules in place?

Hi Gary, sorry, no, I’m having the same issue. I still have my rules set to read, write: true.

A simple

“rules”: {
“.read” : “auth != null”,
“.write” : “auth != null”,

Will give me permission denied, i will have to work on this, i’ll let you know if I figure ir out. In my case secure rules are super important.