STEP 7 (Final Step): Add a clock sensor to the screen and refresh your database every 100 milliseconds. If you wish, you can also put the “Get id token” block on Screen Initialize or every time you retrieve data, but it is easier to do with Clock.
That’s all I’m going to say. If you have any questions, you can write. Don’t forget to like if you found it useful.
If you set rules auth uid then it won’t be readable also… .json will work untill firebase is not protected ( which mean read and write rule if set it as true)
no, firebase secret code comes into play here. Data reading and writing requests from the application are accepted thanks to that code. you can try and see.
The rules are not so important, everyone can adjust it according to himself. The important thing is that with the secret code, the application can read and write regardless of the rules.
If you set your rules “read = true, write = true” then everyone has access to your database… like if you make one app and added firebase database with same rules then I can easily store or get any value from your database
But if you use “auth.uid != null” then only the users who logined in your app can have access
There are more rules like user can only access there data’s only etc. Checkout Kodular docs for more rules
Using Firebase security rules, no matter if your app is vulnerable to hackers, your data is always safe with Firebase. However, I recommend you to use custom claims as well for your token. Like if you are an admin, you can set a custom claim in your token like “admin: true” and then you can set Firebase security rules to allow access to the Admin resource only if there’s admin: true claim in the token.
You can then use this rule to check: auth.uid !== null && auth.token.admin === true in your security rules.
Only Firebase rules need to be configured, putting “a secret code” won’t help anything, I’ve been working with Firebase for years and it’s always been like this. Your post just confuses