Firebase store and got value problem

Hello there,
I tried to find something easy because I am a little dumpy but everything I saw I didn’t understand… so I have a page which someone can text and submit a text, this text will be stored in the firebase, and on another screen, someone would see the texts everyone submitted. I made a firebase I put in the firebase database extension the web API key, URL database etc and I got this problem

:Error from Companion: For a custom firebase host you must first set your authentication server before using authentication features!:

Also when I press submit nothing is stored in the database. because I am a little *new in here and trying to understand how this is works, I would appreciate it if someone could help me with the image of a block. I just want to store the text and get the value on another screen.


Here make a list is no need , it can be used if you want to store multiple items under same tag.
BTW, have you added your firebase url properly in the designer part? Have you read the firebase guide?

Read this guide first

yes i added it but still i get the error. Yes i need multiple items under just one tag.

Sorry… i got your problem… pls delete your firebase project and create fresh project with the location us-central.

It seems you have choosen asis it seems… it won’t work… us-central only will work

Or asia-south also will work

great thanks a lot but how can i store it in a list without never lose this data?
like in lines without lose any of them never. because now when i press something new its loses the old text


you can do something like first retrieve the list then add a item to the list and then save the new list in firebase

I am a little confused, maybe you can show me some block image?

Honestly this is not related to your original question but i will tell you -
firstly get the current value of list , using -

then receive it from, using -

then to add your new value -

Use Call Firebase.Append Value block, no need to call list, add item to list and save list again

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