πŸ•Š Floating View: float your component. [FREE] πŸ•Š

Dear, can you add a block for overlapping component with x,y position?


ref Taifun Tools extension

Hello, your extension is very good but I have a problem, I occupy that my component occupies the screen, please tell me if I am doing so

mething wrong, greetings

Your height has to be controlled.
Are you changing the height in the blocks or is it pre-set in the designer.
Most likely your height has been set to fill parent

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these are my blocksScreenshot_18

Height and width of Critical_alert?

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So if you set their height and width as 100%/fill parent, the floating component will stretch across the whole screen.
It’s up to you to decide how big must it look.

It still looks like this :confused: , my purpose is to make the width also cover the screen

Ok I misunderstood your attempt.
Try setting the height and width to fill parent.

Is Create_alert a card view?
Then set all its padding to 0

critical alert is a horizontal arrangement

In the same way, I already tried with a Cardview and the same thing happens

Did you try -


Also I have tried the same thing with Floating Action View (to set height and width to fill parent) in one of my projects and it doesn’t work. Some margins are left.

So most likely it won’t happen in this extension either…
Maybe redesign your component?

Will you let you put the component that fills the screen?

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I am having problem with the extension, after showing and hiding, the application closes. xiaomi MIUi 12 Android 11.

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@jarlissonlira2 Hello there this extension sounds good, but I have permit problem to running it, the problem is I cannot change or granted permission "PERMIT DRAW OVER OTHER APPS" ( the buttons on the permissions cannot be changed)I trying your β€œFloating View.aia” in kodular companion IDE 1.4.1 , My Real Phone Android 8.0.

I have already Googling about this , but no answer for solving it.

How to get ride from this problem

Update For My Self,

P.S: This Extension will not work in companion, except you should build the APK…maybe someday kodular companion will add android.permission.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION in the next release or update.

Thanks a lot for extension

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Thank You very much for this extension, It is too good I will use it in my next app and Thank you very much for making it FREE.

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