πŸ•Š Floating View: float your component. [FREE] πŸ•Š

Thank you for your feedback


I managed to add the layout restoration :heart_eyes:, I will update soon. Thanks @vknow360 for the suggestion.


Very good extension but fix that keyboard problem please

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Version 1.2

New blocks



With the Restore Floating View block, you can return the floating window to the screen and through the focus blocks, it is possible to open the keyboard while the floating window is displayed, just request the focus.


Great extension thanks for your excellent work. I am using it with google maps and it seems that is not possible to move the map or interact with the map while floating, am I correct? I tryed your example with youtube player and the video can be played and paused while floating, also we can interact with the other youtube functions. Is it possible to make it work the same way with google maps component?

Thanks a lot.


I analyzed the map component and it worked perfectly on my device, follow the .aia file. Check if it works for you.

FloatingViewMap.aia (70,9,KB)


:smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:good work

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please solve it

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It is already solved, just request the focus when the user is typing. Remember to remove it when the action is complete, because the background is inaccessible when the focus is active.

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I did that example, check it out!

FloatingViewMap (1).aia (72,0,KB)


Hi Jarlisson,

It is not working on my device whenever I change the screen, I mean if I open another app and the view is floating I can’t interact with the map. If my app is open and the view is floating it works perfect but not when I have another app opened.


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I’ll check it out soon!

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Thanks mate, I appreciate your work.

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Automatic application crashes when I open a floating view with another screen other than screen1

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I am amazed with this extension. Actually, kodular community surprise me each time more.

I did never imagine such an extension could be created with App Inventor Distros, and I found it at a youtube tutorial and came directly to here to confirm if it was a Kodular official component or an extension from the community.

This is at least the second revolutionary extension launched the last times. The other was a very complete and open source webview.


I think that when everyone contributes with what they have, the whole community evolves together. I am studying to also be able to contribute to the community and this is fantastic! Kodular has no limits. I watched a documentary with Blender founder Ton Roosendaal and he said exactly that: the strength of the group, the ability of the community to re-invent itself, to evolve.


I will analyze soon! Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for your great effort @jarlissonlira2

When I click on the dynamic card for the first time the floating component appears. When I hide it and ask it to appear again, this error appears


I will check this little problem soon, if possible send the .aia by PM to speed up.


Unfortunately I erased the floating component and used Vertical_arrangment. I continued to work and I can no longer return
i will try it again

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