Focus Input Number and Show Keyboard After Barcode Scanner Doesn't work

I would like Focus Input Number and Show Keyboard After Barcode Scanner, why Show Keyboard doesn’t work?


what kind of components are in_barcode, in_price and addProducts?
your blocks get more readable, if you prefix the components… for example lbl for a label or txb for a textbox


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in_barcode and in_price is a Text Box component
addProducts is a screen

it works:

Screenshot from 2020-04-25 16-40-20

it doesn’t:


this might be a timing issue then?
as workaround try to add a clock component to the project, set the timer interval to 100ms and disable the timer in the designer, move the blue blocks into the Clock.Timer event and start the clock in the AfterScan event


It works now.

My blocks
Screenshot from 2020-04-26 23-14-39

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