I’m trying to iterate through a backlog that sends each issue in the list to Google Sheets, but my method isn’t sending all the issues, it’s only sending one issue. Can you imagine what could be happening?
I’m trying to iterate through a backlog that sends each issue in the list to Google Sheets, but my method isn’t sending all the issues, it’s only sending one issue. Can you imagine what could be happening?
I think that you have to change in the select blocks the position of list name and Index.
Put in the list the name of the list and in the Index put get item.
send it asynchronously, i.e. after the first issue has been sent successfully, then send the next one etc.
for an example of aysnchronous processing see also App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Webprefetch File by File | Pura Vida Apps
Use one clock component to send the data else this will send random data only to gsheet
Or when web got text after sending the value also you can send as said by taifun asynchronously