[Free] Access Storage Aix 🥳🥳


This New Extension To request Manage All Files Permission For Android 11 And Above , I made it For Android 13 and 14 and it works well to help manage files …


Call the method to ask for permission


Event raised if there is error…


Event raised if permission granted…

Download :
com.jocker.storage.aix (5.6 KB)

Thanks , I wish it will help you with android 14 :smiling_face:


This extension actually is a duplicate of

If you want to use it, then

Be aware that this permission is usually not granted by Google.


Well, this is not Storage Access Framework. :partying_face::partying_face:

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This is MANAGE ALL FILES permission extension which Google don’t allow to use unless it is required for the core functionality of your app like file manager, PDF reader etc.


There is some differences, you here use activity starter :joy:

I know , i couldn’t edit post i don’t know why

Any one know why I can’t edit my posts again ?

I made your post as WIKI. Now you can edit the post.

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Sorry i still can’t, and can’t edit my posts or comments !

Because you have a new account, you are not a member

This is horrible :disappointed: iam developer where’s my dignity here i want support :joy:

i became editor but still cant edit :smiling_face: