πŸš€ [Free] Account Picker Extension - Get Device Accounts | Kodular πŸ“±

:rocket: [Free] Account Picker Extension - Get Device Accounts | Kodular :iphone:

Hey Kodular Community! :wave:

Exciting news! I’m thrilled to share a new extension called Account Picker. This extension allows you to effortlessly access accounts on your Android device, such as Google accounts and more.

Key Features:

  • Retrieve a list of all accounts on the device.
  • Select accounts based on type.
  • Get results in JSON format with account details (Name and Type).

How to Use:

  1. Call the GetAccounts block to retrieve a list of all accounts on the device.
  2. Call the SelectAccountByType block with the account type parameter to choose accounts based on type.
  3. Respond to the AccountsListJSON or SelectedAccountsListJSON events to get results in JSON format.


Download Extension:
com.rasitech.account.picker.aix (6.7 KB)

Be sure to respond to events and process the results according to your application’s needs.

Hope this extension adds value to your Kodular projects! Feel free to provide feedback and suggestions.

Thanks! :raised_hands:


Does this Works as I did’nt get any accounts, it returns only empty list when i call GetAccounts.

@rasi_tech In accountType what to put in?

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Sharing a demo aia or tutorial video may helpful for users.

just app package like com.whatsapp

it’s easy to use

if u wanna filter account by type, u just only input app package like com.whatsapp

Good aix :grinning:


Ok, but get all apps doesn’t work in Android 14