[FREE] AESEncryptor: AES Encryption & Decryption with automatically manages IV and salt

I’m excited to share my new extension, AESEncryptor, which provides AES encryption and decryption with custom key input. This extension is designed to help you securely encrypt data within your Kodular apps, making it suitable for securing sensitive information.


  • Encrypt text using AES with a custom key.
  • Automatically manages IV and salt for enhanced security.
  • Compatible with server-side decryption using PHP.
  • Supports key lengths of any size, automatically adjusted to meet AES standards.

How to Use:

  1. Encrypting Text:
  • Use the EncryptText block, providing the plain text and a custom key. The extension will automatically adjust the key size and encrypt the data.
  1. Decrypting Text:
  • Use the DecryptText block, providing the Base64 encoded encrypted text and the same key used during encryption.

Block png:


PHP Script for Server Integration:
Here’s a PHP script that can be used on your server to decrypt the data encrypted by the extension:
decrypt.zip (679 Bytes)



Download & Installation:

  • You can download the .aix file here *
    AESEncryptor.v1.aix (5.9 KB)
  • Import the extension into Kodular, and you’re ready to go!

Request for Feedback: I’d love to hear your feedback! Please test the extension and let me know if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements.

Special thanks to the Kodular community for their continuous support and inspiration.