[FREE] Async Image Extension - Simple asynchronous image loader

Here is a simple asynchronous image loader extension to load image asynchronously in a image component from image path.

This is a simple and light weight extension since it does not uses any external library to load image.

Kodular inbuilt image loader does not works due to permission error in higher Android versions. This extension does not required any permission.



Sample Blocks


V.1. AsyncImage.aix (9.0 KB)


Please upload blocks from Kodular Creator.


Does it really matters? If an extension works in AI2 then it will definitely works in Kodular being an AI2 distro. Anyway Kodular is being merged with AI2.

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Nice extension @The_K_Studio
1 thing i want to know , what is the difference between your and this extension…

It is based on third party Library and requires READ, WRITE permission whereas my extension does not uses any external library and does not require permissions to load images.

Also, above extension only loads image from url and my extension load images from url as well as assets and local storage.