Does it really matters? If an extension works in AI2 then it will definitely works in Kodular being an AI2 distro. Anyway Kodular is being merged with AI2.
It is based on third party Library and requires READ, WRITE permission whereas my extension does not uses any external library and does not require permissions to load images.
Also, above extension only loads image from url and my extension load images from url as well as assets and local storage.
I understand that.
If someone wants to load images async only then your extension is good otherwise if caching is required then Glide or Picasso extension are the options.
I tried “AsincImage”, as per the attached photo. I downloaded a .jpg file to Drive, took the link, put it in the “Image_ Utilities” subject but it doesn’t work. Can you give me some advice? Thanks
Thank you very much. Not
I knew I had to do the direct link. I just used Google’s Drive to make a file shareable by everyone and get the link (with “sharing” at the end) but, entered into Kodular it did NOT work. By making the direct link, with its suggestion, it works.
Thank you
thanks it works perfectly, what I like is the image loading speed is very fast, faster than the other 2 extensions. and also automatically supports cache memory. I decided to use this extension. good speed