[FREE] ASD Downloader Extension - Download and manage files in ASD

Short description

ASD Downloader extension to download files in App Specific Directory (ASD) without READ or WRITE PERMISSION. Since ASD is always accessible to READ and WRITE files within the app it does not requires READ and WRITE PERMISSION.

Nowadays due to new restrictions in higher Android versions it is difficult to manage files without READ and WRITE PERMISSIONS where ASD is very useful to store downloaded files and manage them without any permission.

This extension allows you downloading files in ASD and managing them with various functions.

This extension does not show any external notifications or system download notification, so you can create a custom notification layout.

There is already extension available to download files to ASD, I have developed this extension with some additional functionalities which makes this extension more useful and gives more scopes to manage files in ASD.

Both extensions are useful, you can use any one as per your requirement.

Picture of all the blocks


Instructions to use your extension

Returns ASD path of your app. ASD will be by default created when app in installed, this block checks for ASD if not exist then it creates and returns ASD path.

Download files from given URL, set file name with file extension. Default file download location will be ASD, if you want to download in a specific folder then specify folder name before file name and make sure that folder is already exist in ASD if not you can create folder by using CreateFolder block. One file can be downloaded at a time.

Returns real-time total size of the file, downloaded size, progress in percent of ongoing download task.

Returns downloaded file path.

Raises when any error occurres.

Cancel ongoing download task.

Raised when download is cancelled and returns the file url which has been cancelled

Returns true if download task is in progress else false.

Returns true if file exist from given file path.

Deletes the given file and returns deleted file path.

Creates a new folder in ASD with given folder name and returns created folder path.

Renames the given file path with new file name and returns file path of renamed file.

Copy file asynchronously from source path to destination path. You can copy file from one folder to another but make sure that destination folder already exist in ASD if not you can create by using CreateFolder block.

Returns the file list and folder list from given path.

Change Log

Version 2: Added additional blocks.

Version 3: Added Show Notification and Notify Completed properties.



AIX Version 6 (Compatible with API 34): ASDDownloaderAPI34.aix (35.2 KB)

Please test this and let me know if ant issue or need any additional functionalities, I will be happy to add them if possible.

Leave a like if found useful :heart:


Great Extension…

Hello, greetings, thanks, excellent work, I have tried with other urls of different types but it does not download them, with the download component that Kodular has, yes, but we know that your extension is better, so I try to try it, would you help me to solve it?

by the way I’m testing with your aia

I am using firebase storage from there I get the link

Can you show your blocks?

1 Like

Of course, thanks, I’m using your same project, I just change the url

strong text

Okay, any error message you are getting?

I’ll give you the test url privately

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It does not present errors, it downloads it but only 594 bits and in firebase it damages the document

Send me the link

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Not working with google drive direct download link
Please update if support this link

Yeah, for some links it is working and for some it is not.

I am trying to fix the issue. Will update the extension.

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Updated Version 2


  1. Fixed file not downloading issue with some links.
  2. Renamed StopDownload to CancelDownload.
  3. Removed GetDownloadSpeed block due to internal issue.
  4. Added new method FileSize to get file size from file path.


Thanks for notifying me the issue, Please try with updated extension and aia and let me know if there is any other issue.

Now its working fine with Google drive, Dropbox, Firebase storage and all other downloadable links.


thanks friend i will try it


Fixed a bug where download success event was raising twice on file download. Updated the latest aix.
@Gaston Thanks for reporting!

1 Like

UPDATED Version 3.


Great, I was about to ask if that was possible.

How can I view the file after downloading it?

Try a good file manager like total commander, seealso
