[Free] Google SpreadSheet Extension Fastest Lite Version

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Can you explain it in English

Please provide documentation for GotSheet. For variables are returned, namely:

total rows

What is data type for each and what do these values represent?

Does ‘data’ contain everything in the sheet? And in what format? As a dictionary or what?

Also, an example code snippet on how to parse/use data would be much appreciated.

in Advance google Sheet Extension
Output Response Everything Explain in Details
code int
msg string
data string
total rows int
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Parse Data String by using these blocks


I used your blocks arrangement for getting data in Label component from google sheet (using your provided .aix for google sheets). I got full column data in single Label. I will feel more obliged and thankful, if you could tell me the way I can get the data of only one cell in one label, and with next button, second cell data in second label and so on. Not in a list, but navigating with Next Button. Thanks

get list item position by list index block

first add sheet id and google sheet is in viewer mode

Hi ,
plz how to select UNIQUE in col A.

how to give a segmentation sign like a | in every columns in show , ex :
1 | Michael | Minesotta
2 | Klose | Newyork

an how to delete ( and ) in show , ex :
(1 Michael Minesotta) become 1 Michael Minesotta


I am using the Query tool.Now what to do if I want to pass a variable defined in the app inventor as the condtion
For eg, inQ2 condition is B=Label2.Text
how to implement this

B=‘Label2.Text’ text in single inverted comma.

Currently, I want to retrieve data in this format:
I will select one value from column A
and I will select one column from the app, such as B, C, D, or E, and display the data that matches the row in column A and the row in the selected column.

X represents the value selected from the ListPicker, which searches for the column from the app.
For example, if the app selects X4 = column E,
then Set X(column E) where A = ‘a2’ and display the data = 1400 in the TextBox.

This possible with “Find row function” in Advance google sheet Extension.
Find Row:
unique column is “Y1”
Find text “a2”
from column “X4”

event Return Value = 1400

Extension Updated in Post Try New Version

How to store data?
Is it possible or not?

These Extra Function Available in Advance Google Sheet Extension

Create Sheet
Create Row
Create Column

Update row
Update cell
Update range
Delete Row

Replace All
Replace Row
Replace Cell
Remove Row

How to submit Multiple Value in same column?

Example On Column A I want to submit 200 New Data at a time is it possible?

That’s Script Less Extension only have Read functionality in Google Sheets.