[FREE/PAID API] Advance Google SpreadSheet Extension with Read, Write, Modify or Delete Functions

How to Create Google Sheet Query and Test in Google Sheet
if Return Correct data than use it in Extension and Save your Time.

in Full Query only Green Text Query used in This Extension…
Like => SELECT * WHERE …

Google Sheet Query Full Lecture Playlist Here…


Thankyou so much, its possible ths in the free version with no power of SQL?

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In free version you can’t secure your sheetdata it’s open to all any one can view your data by using your sheet I’d and in free version update data is not possible easily.

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Thank you very much

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thank you very much , Rely it is Great

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Parse JSON or All X Blocks

Parse JSON as Local or Global Variable its Offline and Extract Data in Millisecond.

its Compatible with Get Sheet, Get Range, Get Columns, Apply Filter, SQL Query.


Upcoming Blocks

if you want any other block than tell us…


Amazing… you rocking regarding gsheet and all of its relevant functions…

All the best and thanks for supporting the community…



I have no idea how GoogleMaps Marker Components works.

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How can I call A data into List view in order from bottom to top?

use query and in the end of query just add this “desc”

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I can’t send you a private message.

sort by Time Column in Descending Order: B DESC

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On column A there are many accounts, how to call the data of the whole row of that account to create history.

Try this Query

  1. SELECT * WHERE A LIKE ‘[email protected]
  2. SELECT * WHERE A LIKE ‘[email protected]’ ORDER BY B DESC LIMIT 10

Impossible to download Admin App. Google Drive gives error message.
“We are sorry. You cannot access this document because it does not comply with our Terms of Service.”

GoogleSheet(1).apk (7.4 MB)

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It’s been a while since I bought your extension and tested it a little, but now with more time to test I’ve noticed that your extension saves a lot of blocks compared to other similar extensions!
The block for deleting rows by keyword in columns is fantastic!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent support every time I needed it! :heart:


Hello how can make the columns is unique and don’t allow it to duplicate?

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Find Row By Unique Column

Unique Column Means Value added in this column are different like Users mobile number, email or any unique value id.

If you want to get row of user mobile 9412345678
From Column: Like Password or Balance or Blank for Entire Row.
Than event Return User Password / Balance and also return user Entire Row List

Output Value = A12345
Output row List