[FREE] Best UI Ever For Login In Kodular

Hey there Koders! I have made a very beautiful Login and Splash Screen UI Design, Have A Look :point_down::


Its not screenshot because it contains animations.


It saves user name and email, and after login it sends the user to another screen, and in first screen it checks if the user is logged in, and if the user is logged in it send the user to home screen, else it will send the user to login screen.

Made with :heartbeat: by Rudransh Shukla :bust_in_silhouette:.

use or make it better for free! 😊.


Sorry but build server is currently busy, I will build APK later and upload here :pensive:.


ui_Helper (1)

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[FREE] [FIREBASE] Beautiful Email and Google Login System With Reset and Forgot Password, Full System With A Very Good UI Open Source