[FREE] BrightnessTools - Set brightness of your phone

meanwhile as workaround you could try the paid version of the settings extension to set the brightness

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thank you for your reply
I hope the problem will be solved soon


many many thanks


Wow… Awesome. I was looking the same extension for couple of days


Hi @WatermelonIce
Do you solve this problem ?

By using this default blocks of kodular we can maintain the certain amount of brightness in our app. Since clock timer, even user reduces or increased the brightness will back to the amount what we set up.


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i will try it ,thanks

I did some research and found I need to add the particular permission to the manifest. I have added @UsesPermission but it seems there’s a problem with that. What if you try in a higher version of Android?


@Still-learning Thanks for the code provided.

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This means you have found a solution to the problem
Sorry my english is weak

I haven’t, but I have been trying.

That’s fine, I can fully understand you.

@M.H.M do you mind testing an AIX that I can give you?

Thank you , I am know you are busy but you are solve the problem of extension

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No , I am testing an this AIA but I found problem

[quote="[FREE] BrightnessTools - Set brightness of your phone, post:38, topic:83912"]

Hi @WatermelonIce
Do you solve problem of extension or not ?

No, unfortunately.


okay no problem

I have an APK I would like everyone to test.

Test.apk (5.2 MB)

If you press “Change to minimum,” you will get an error saying “Attempted to modify ‘SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS’, but ‘android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS’ is not granted.” You will have to grant it by going into “Special app access” then “Modify system settings” and allow “Test” to modify system settings.


On Android 6.0+, if you have a screen overlay turned on like a third party notification shade app or a third party brightness filter app, you may get a message saying that a screen overlay was detected or on some phones that switch may be disabled.


may I know how did you get it to work as an apk?

I compiled the sample aia for brightnesstools and installed the apk but when it comes to the permissions part it is disabled. I can only get brightnesstools to works only in companion.