Hello Kodular Family Members…
Being as a member in kodular for almost an year, I would like to share my very first extension…
(My sincere thanks to @devcafeofficial ,
) for helping me from the beginning,as i was zero in java, and now i come with useful to those who love to make or use calendar in their app…
Components of the Extension
Working Part ( I hope no more explanations are needed)
No Real components are used
I Should thank @yusufcihan for his wonderful Dynamic component extension…
It accepts only number, do not use any kind of date format:
No Libraries or Permission used or requested…
Based on my extension, i have created a small app and whose apk too attached at the end…
Extension : CalendarToolExtended.aix (6.1 KB)
AIA : SimpleViewCalander.aia (54.5 KB)
I have created a small calendar app with the help of my extension, and the screenshots are attached below…
APK: SimpleViewCalander.apk (5.3 MB)
[i have trid to construct the dynamic components in a new way…Pls see to that…
More features will be added to the extension., soon…