[FREE] Capture widget images

Yes, what happens is that this extension has not yet been published but when it is published I will share more information about it.

Cool. This extension was created to be able to capture items from the RecyclerView project in which I work.

Hello if we put image inside circle card then extension cannot captture the circle image

After capture

Image cannot save on Android 11+. anyone who want to fix this problem?

Store it to shared storage or ASD, see also Some basics on Android storage system


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Thanks. I will try to do something.

Its still not working. means that I need extension to have All Files access.

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?

ok. wait, I will upload and show you about the block’s functionality.

Here is the block functionality using ZScreenshot. :joy: sorry if there many on top because I created a photo + title editor. :smiley:

I test on this with my friend’s phone running Android 12. It can’t save. especially on Android 11 Debugging OS.

After reading Some basics on Android storage system you meanwhile know, that you can’t store something to arbitrary directories anymore

Concerning 1 and 2, show us a Do it result of the path… are you sure, the file was not saved or are you not able to find it? Use Total Commander to access the ASD of the companion app or your own app…

EDIT: you forgot to provide a file name like …/myFile.png


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here is a result. tested on Android 8.1 Oreo

Anyway, the extension doesn’t require (.png) file. So, the final result as:
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/–package name–/files/test.PNG

??? the author @salazar6cristopher might want to provide some help…
taken from the first post

The path is where the file will be saved and under what name, for example “/INTERNAL_STORAGE/screenshots/file.png”

also you forgot to answer this question


ah ok. by the way, I make the another screen for checking permissions if anything is OK or wrong. I will show you the result.

that’s why it’s not saving because of this!
Sorry, write permission is not granted. :frowning:

Without this, it will not save any files.

Update. after a little tweak of testing with Companion and Finished APK. this extension is very useless. After click save for example it will cause some minor issues on the UI. So let me know if you’ll find alternative for this.

@Vinscent_Joshua_Dy-Cok I think it’s not ok to mention it as useless why don’t you try making extensions yourself then it’s hard to code extensions if you are a developer, you will know it so think before you insult someone.

the extension has been created in April 2021 without further updates… as already mentioned earlier nowadays you have to follow the Google restrictions

unfortunately the author is not active anymore in the community

you could write your own extension and create the functionality yourself…
more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills…


Ah… ok… I was decided to code extensions but I cant find any sites to make extensions :rofl: Let me know if you find the alternative extension creator.

ah ok… anyways this was bades on my testing, after using this extension running Android 12 and 13. the app cannot do anything like go back to the main screen. I have to do 5 times and I got and strange transition on it. I just using ComponenttoImage by jerin and it’s working fine.