[FREE] CSV Tools Extension to work with CSV Files

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but why my app can’t read the file because of android 13 or somethings

Store your file in app assets or in ASD

but it don’t show my any data in the button i want to show it say error couldn’t get file
// is used for testing only when i use / also it can’t read data if you gave the solution of this you will save alot of time of mine and great thank you for making this extension

To read the file from assets you dont need to specify full path, just mention file name: ex. Myfile.csv

Thank you so much you have save a lot of my time


How to get another cell value when i click on certain button every time i.e if i click on option A it should show different value in the cell every time like 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Make sure that you are specifying correct column and row index to get the corresponding cell value.

Or else you can aslo get the cell value by specifying column name and row index for this use second block:

I have use this but every times i get same value when click on any button

Update 2.0

  1. Extension name updated to CSV Tools from CSV Reader since you can now create, read and process CSV file data.
  2. Added new methods.
  3. Extension re-built with FAST.

Thankyou for your contribution.

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does it load large data very fast? and select from the list very fast compariable with normal procedure done using blocks? work as database?

Yes, since this works with offline file available on the device and async operations make it more reliable and efficient.

I have tested with a file that contains large amount of data and so far no issues were found. Report if any found I will happy to fix it.


@The_K_Studio i am using many of your extensions and very glad to say that all are excellent :ok_hand: