[ FREE ] Customdownloader Extension

CustomDownloader extension, developed by Riad Developer for MIT App Inventor. This documentation will guide you through each block’s functionality, parameters, and use cases with a clear and concise style.

The CustomDownloader extension provides powerful tools for managing file downloads within your MIT App Inventor projects. With this extension, you can start, pause, resume, and cancel downloads, as well as monitor progress and handle errors, all within your app.


1. CancelDownload

Description: Cancels an ongoing download. If the download is in progress, it will stop, and the partially downloaded file will be deleted.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to cancel.

2. DownloadFile

Description: Starts a file download from the specified URL. You can specify the file name and a custom file path. If the path is left empty, the file is saved to the default ‘Download’ folder.

  • Parameters:
    • URL (text): The URL of the file to download.
    • fileName (text): The desired name for the downloaded file.
    • customfilepath (text): The custom path to save the file. Leave empty for default location.

3. GetDownloadedSize

Description: Returns the total size (in bytes) of the file being downloaded for a specific downloadId.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
  • Returns: (number) The size of the file being downloaded.

4. PauseDownload

Description: Pauses the download associated with the provided downloadId. To continue, use the ResumeDownload method.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to pause.

5. ResumeDownload

Description: Resumes a paused download from where it left off.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to resume.


1. DownloadProgress

Description: Triggered to report ongoing download progress. This event provides details like download speed, progress percentage, estimated time remaining (ETA), and more.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • progress (text): The current progress percentage.
    • speed (text): The download speed.
    • eta (text): Estimated time remaining.
    • fileSize (text): Total size of the file being downloaded.
    • downloadedSize (number): The amount of data downloaded so far.

2. ErrorMessageShown

Description: Triggered when an error occurs during the download process. Provides an error message to help diagnose the issue.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • message (text): The error message.

3. SuccessfulDownload

Description: Triggered when a download completes successfully. Provides details about the downloaded file, including its path and size.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • filePath (text): The path where the file was saved.
    • fileSize (number): The size of the downloaded file.
    • fileName (text): The name of the downloaded file.


1. fileName

Description: Specifies the name of the file to be downloaded.

2. notificationMessage

Description: Sets the message for the notification displayed upon successful download completion.

3. notificationTitle

Description: Sets the title for the notification displayed when a download completes successfully.

Extension Size:  60.7 KB
Extension Version: 3.0
Click on the Download Now button and download it
If there is any problem you must replay I will surely reply to you
Click to Download

Great extension, keep it up :+1:


thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Keep up the good extension :heartpulse::muscle:


What a Great Extension


Thank You .

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great extension :sunglasses:


Thank You .:heartpulse: @Rifat

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if close screen before download complete then download complete or not?

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not showing any notification ondownloading or ondownloadcomplete.

Are you using this block?


yes, but not showing notification, in app inventor2

For App Inventor ask in this thread

and add a screenshot of your relevant blocks there


It’s a nice extension. It’s going to be very useful. Thanks.

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Add a feature like open recent successfully download file in folder.

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The new version has already been released, version : 3.0

CustomDownloader extension, developed by Riad Developer for MIT App Inventor. This documentation will guide you through each block’s functionality, parameters, and use cases with a clear and concise style.

The CustomDownloader extension provides powerful tools for managing file downloads within your MIT App Inventor projects. With this extension, you can start, pause, resume, and cancel downloads, as well as monitor progress and handle errors, all within your app.


1. CancelDownload

Description: Cancels an ongoing download. If the download is in progress, it will stop, and the partially downloaded file will be deleted.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to cancel.

2. DownloadFile

Description: Starts a file download from the specified URL. You can specify the file name and a custom file path. If the path is left empty, the file is saved to the default ‘Download’ folder.

  • Parameters:
    • URL (text): The URL of the file to download.
    • fileName (text): The desired name for the downloaded file.
    • customfilepath (text): The custom path to save the file. Leave empty for default location.

3. GetDownloadedSize

Description: Returns the total size (in bytes) of the file being downloaded for a specific downloadId.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
  • Returns: (number) The size of the file being downloaded.

4. PauseDownload

Description: Pauses the download associated with the provided downloadId. To continue, use the ResumeDownload method.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to pause.

5. ResumeDownload

Description: Resumes a paused download from where it left off.

  • Parameter:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download to resume.


1. DownloadProgress

Description: Triggered to report ongoing download progress. This event provides details like download speed, progress percentage, estimated time remaining (ETA), and more.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • progress (text): The current progress percentage.
    • speed (text): The download speed.
    • eta (text): Estimated time remaining.
    • fileSize (text): Total size of the file being downloaded.
    • downloadedSize (number): The amount of data downloaded so far.

2. ErrorMessageShown

Description: Triggered when an error occurs during the download process. Provides an error message to help diagnose the issue.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • message (text): The error message.

3. SuccessfulDownload

Description: Triggered when a download completes successfully. Provides details about the downloaded file, including its path and size.

  • Parameters:
    • downloadId (number): The ID of the download.
    • filePath (text): The path where the file was saved.
    • fileSize (number): The size of the downloaded file.
    • fileName (text): The name of the downloaded file.


1. fileName

Description: Specifies the name of the file to be downloaded.

2. notificationMessage

Description: Sets the message for the notification displayed upon successful download completion.

3. notificationTitle

Description: Sets the title for the notification displayed when a download completes successfully.

Extension Size:  60.7 KB
Extension Version: 3.0
Click on the Download Now button and download it
If there is any problem you must replay I will surely reply to you
Click to Download
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Can this extension support downloading a m3u8 video link ? OR Is there any other way to download .m3u8 video Url

I haven’t checked yet with the video link you are talking about but I hope it can be downloaded

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Upon Checking I found that this extension currently does not support downloading videos from m3u8 links. As of now, Kodular also does not offer any built-in way to download m3u8 video URLs.

It would be really helpful if you could consider adding the functionality to download m3u8 video links in your extension. If there’s any other method or workaround to download these types of videos, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share that as well.

Can this extension download from blob links