[FREE] Customizable Animated Tab Bar - Add Awesome Navigation Bar

Bug :warning:
This block not support Persian Font!
show in test mode but export apk not work. :pensive:

Beautiful extension

Hello, I have the same error. All good until yesterday, but today that error appeared. There are no logic apparently for this occured.

Icon drawable cannot be null, when i connect with assistent on emulators, any emulators, someone know how to solve this ?

On mobile its ok, on mobile with assistent Companion, its ok, the problem is only on emulators, like, bluestacs and others…


Image on emulator


Make sure that add.png exists in your assets.

A similar issue, Bubble Tabbar İcons Doesn't Show

I checked yesterday everything was workinh fine. It’s the update that had some issues with path. Let me make update on the main github branch.


For anyone having issues, checkout the latest release from following repository.

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yeh, exist…thank you

can you add unselect tab please

Icon drawable cannot be null.

Try latest version.


Please share the aia file of the Bubble Tab app

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Hello, Do you solved it? In GitHub I find a lot of files but not .aix. and I do not know how to used them if thouse give us the possibility to fix the error of Tab Bar. Could you explain please? :sweat_smile:

try this link

Hello. The same error my friend: Icon drawable cannot be null. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ive tested today here, and show the same error too, sorry… :upside_down_face:

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I Am Using This Extension Work Properly


Nice ui Tech