I can’t actually find the new blocks created by the extension
Check whether you made the cardview or arrangement visible or not. First component must be visible I hope
Instead of using component just type the name of the component, it will be good to use
show your blocks code pls
What about button click ? Please me give an example , please
Thank you!
New blocks:
Set function:
Attach a <tag,value> data on some component.
tag: any String
value: any Object, like String, Number, List, Dictionay, even component;
This can be used to componnets even not created dynamicly.
Get function:
retrieve the data from some component.
return blank string if no such component or no such tag.
Demo aia:
DCLITE.aia (13.6 KB)
pls down load v3
Quite amazing your work…
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Thanks @TimAi2 's feedback, V3 is here
1: set missing property in any Component drawer.
2. change name to CompCreator.
All blocks:
tag: String.
it can be following 3 type:
- property name of the component: this can set the build-in perperty;
- ‘index’: this can set the order of the component;
- any other string: a custom property attached to this component
Can I have an aia for showing a csv file with unknown columns number ?
bcs I changed the name of the extension to CompCreator. DCLite is a bit of a misnomer.
give a demo csv pls
I’m sorry, I can’t attach csv file
is it possible to use HorizontalScrollArrangement ?
My goal is a csv editor, see below my current blocks
i have seen same in other post/community.
use label to display the data.
when any label clicked,
get its col and row
popup a input dialogue, ask user to write the new value.
when input finish
save/update data in the csv
display new data on the label
Why labels ? I would edit the cells in place
is it possible to use HorizontalScrollArrangement ?
How can I automatize colums inserting ?
possible and yes.
pls explain in detail what you want to achieve? or make one drawing?
- show a table from csv file with many colums with horizontal scrolling
- edit cells content in place
- save chenges to csv file