[Free] Decode Json easily. JsonPath. Convert XML <> JSON

Hello friends:

With this extension we can get the elements of a Json easily by writing their path.

I have tested it with App Inventor and now with Kodular on an Android 9.

This extension is based on this library:

- Blocks.

  • Set a Json string and a path (see example). Get object or array.


  • Set a Json string, Show Json in pretty format.


  • Convert Json string to Xml string and Xml string to Json string.


- Example.

  • To carry out the tests we will use the author’s example.

“store”: {
“book”: [
“category”: “reference”,
“author”: “Nigel Rees”,
“title”: “Sayings of the Century”,
“price”: 8.95
“category”: “fiction”,
“author”: “Evelyn Waugh”,
“title”: “Sword of Honour”,
“price”: 12.99
“category”: “fiction”,
“author”: “Herman Melville”,
“title”: “Moby D ck”,
“isbn”: “0-553-21311-3”,
“price”: 8.99
“category”: “fiction”,
“author”: “J. R. R. Tolkien”,
“title”: “The Lord of the Rings”,
“isbn”: “0-395-19395-8”,
“price”: 22.99
“bicycle”: {
“color”: “red”,
“price”: 19.95
“expensive”: 10

- App example.

Decode_JsonPath.aia (568.9 KB)

- Screenshot.

- The extension com.KIO4_DecoJson.aix is here:

App Inventor. Extensión. Decodifica Json. JsonPath. Convertir de Json a Xml y de Xml a Json.


Congratulations ! Great Job !

Json with Filters …

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Useful Extension
Thanks @juananton1991

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- Convert XML string to JSON string and JSON string to XML string.


xml_to_json.aia (582.6 KB)