[Free] Extension JsonUtils

Extension JsonUtils


:round_pushpin: Description

  • This extension is used to work with JSON string.
  • You can parse values, objects, and arrays.
  • Compared to other extensions it’s easy and contains many features.
  • See blocks images and continue reading for better understanding.

:round_pushpin: Blocks

  1. ArrayLength: Return length of the array (you can use if needed for iteration)

  2. GetArray: Returns array as string

More Detials

:round_pushpin: Download


thank you for your contribution

which means, we now have this as well as the following Json Extensions
CSV to Json encode Extension by Andres Daniel
JSON Tools Extension by LukeGackle
JSON Utils Extension by ColinTree
JSON Decoding Extension by yamafu

see also the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps



Will this work dynamically for loop (such as “ForEachItem”)?

Be more specific , mostly its possible.
Explain what you are trying to achieve.

Say I have a json Data Array…I want for each number of item add something in a list and show it in a listview.

I have tried to use your extension in one of my recent project. I found that it returns only the value of index 1…rest of the value could not be processed. Then, the Json_tool by LukeGackle helped me. It extracted the data successfully from an array with ForEachNumber block.

Except this, I have found Json_Util extension by ColinTree the most easiest tool to extract data from json. I hope I was able to make u understand.

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As there is a get array length block in the extension so you can use for each number from block.

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@vknow360 I tried…and what I found was explained.

Hope this will help you


Exactly same thing I’ve done…but I found the result of only index 1.

I think for complex json Data we need to parse the object repeatedly. And that’s not happening here.

Share some more details like apk,screenshot,demo,etc so that we can find what is wrong there.

Will try…

if possible share the JSON string.
If it’s sensitive share a similar structure.
More about the extension & JSON

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I have personally messaged you the json file link… check it.

Link not working…

Sorry for that I will update the link soon

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we are waiting for you

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I think you forgot…


Download from here



Could I get the source code from this extension for personal use? I’d like to add a feature myself :slight_smile:

Pm me with your plans.