[Free] Json To Dictionary Extension

Json To Dictionary Extension

Release date : 2020-10-24T23:00:00Z
Last Update Date : 2020-10-24T23:00:00Z
Current Version: 1
Min. Api version : 1 ( Works on every android version :wink: )
Ending Date :bomb: : ( When kodular add it as a built in block )


Hello, every one ! Today i release my very first extension ! Json To Dictionary , i actually made it after seeing this topic : Request for JSON decode to dictionary, to parse json text to dictionaries till kodular bring this block , @WatermelonIce and @The_K_Studio requested me to share it in a new topic ( actually i didnā€™t release it because i thought it would be added in one week or something ) , but until this block is here, you can feel free to use my extension :wink: There are some other possible ways with kodularā€™s built in blocks : Kodular has removed Json component? - #21 by Peter But it might return wrong results as in this thread: JSON text decode problem, i actually published the extension here before : Request for JSON decode to dictionary - #2 by Mohamed_Tamer in 2020-08-03T23:00:00Z, but now i rewritten and optimize the code a lot, so it works more properly.


Just 2 blocks :man_shrugging:



component_method (93)

Decodes the given JSON text into appinventor dictionary.
Returns: Object ( a list of dictionaries if it was a JSON array, an empty string if there was an error, a dictionary if it was a normal JSON.
jsonText (String): The json text to decode.


component_event (24)

Fired when an error occurs while decoding the JSON text.
error Message (String): The error that occurred.

How to use it?

Here is an example with a json api ( http://worldtimeapi.org/ ) about how to use it:

P.S: the clock just for updating the time, the error occurred event is used to detect that the web component threw an error, for ex: there was no internet connection.

Donā€™t know about dictionaries?

Dictionaries are much powerful then lists and itā€™s really useful for JSON apis, if you donā€™t know about Dictionaries, go and check this guide:

Download Links

AIX : io.mohamed.JsonToDictionary.aix (6.3 KB)

How it works with a json api ( http://worldtimeapi.org/ ):

AIA : JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries.aia (49.8 KB)
APK: JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries.apk (5.5 MB)


I hope you liked this extension! I would like to thank
@The_K_Studio @WatermelonIce for asking me to release it in a new topic :sweat_smile:
@AI2 for their JsonUtils class , which i have used in my extension.
And any one who liked this extension , too!
Also for :kodular: for this amazing platform :grinning:
Actually that was my very first extension ( it was released almost 3 months ago) so iā€™m sorry if it have any bugs :sweat: If there is any, please report it here :wink:

Note: this extension would be obsolete when kodular implement it as a block.It wonā€™t cause any conflict but it would be no longer useful.

Mohamed Tamer

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great extension also!

1 Like

how do you create a table of contents?

1 Like

Thanks :grinning:


Create / Edit a topic, click the settings icon , and then choose Insert Table Of contents :
The items in the table, are indicated by making the item you want a heading using markdown ( # ) or html ( <h1>, <h2>,etc.), for example:

# My item 1
Some text
Some text
# My Item 2 
Some Text 
Some text

You can also create nested items this way:

# My item 1
Some text
Some text
## My Sub Item 1
Some text
# My Item 2 
Some Text 
Some text

You can change the number of # to specify the heading size in mark down or the number beside h to specify the heading size in html <h1>, <h2>

i put # generally, on my extension i done it and no table of contents.

### right?

You should add this first :

Any ways, let us donā€™t go #off-topic :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great extension :partying_face:

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Awesome extension.
Great work.

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Thank you so much for this extension :heart: It has helped me so much (especially handling large amount of data)

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Awesome work man! :heart_eyes: Very useful extension.

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Great extension, @Mohamed_Tamer! :+1:

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First extension???
:thinking: :smile:


That is the first in this community, it is just a reupload with a new topic :sweat_smile:

1 Like

Very Helpful Extension

1 Like

Yes I know that. A traditional copy-paste mistake


Nice extension.
The name of the block is so long.
String2Dictionary will be nice


Edit: This method seems not working always.

We can also do it like this.

blocks (74)


Not always, see why hereā€¦


Thanks @hammerhai @marco_tanzi @WatermelonIce @The_K_Studio @FahadAhmad @Srrazmi @Vaibhav @sonumohammad333 @AryanGupta for your posts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And every one else how liked this extension :grin:

Itā€™s really my first extension to share in the community :grin: But actually I didnā€™t create a new topic for it, thatā€™s why I said itā€™s my first extension :blush:

Thanks for your suggestion , I will consider renaming it , in the next update maybe 1