[Free] Extension OneSignalSend | Send onesignal notification from app itself | October Version 5 , Send by custom filter

Thank you :smiley: You are being really helpful to me.

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You’re welcome :sweat_smile:

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Hi @ledumelo , I just wanna know how we can get Player ID of user from app itself OR How we can get Player ID to store in firebase/SQL?

Please let me know about this!

You can get it by using Kodular’s Push Notification component


You should use a timer when using this block cause otherwise you will receive -1 as user_id.

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on creator, click your profile icon, then “settings”, and enable experimental components. Then, choose the experimental menu from he palette and drag a “notification” component

Hey, can anyone tell me what i need to do to send a message to a specific user?
Thanks in advance.

You need player id

and how can i get player id?

After obtaining the user’s id, how should I send a push to its specific user?

Try this…


ok i try tq


@Jerin_Jacob, You have developed a very good extension.The way you have presented the information about the extension is really nice.


Hello, I am from Egypt and I have a problem with the [Extension] a period of days. I tried all the solutions in the comments and searched on YouTube and I did not find a solution to the problem. The signal works well from the site, but from the application it works once or two and crashes. Is there a solution to the problem if you please.

Hi! maybe you found the solution for this? Thanks!

i want to send push notifications from website…6 months ago Onesignal works very fine but now it doesn’t work…i have set firebase and onesignal settings but how we set blocks in App …Kindly help …

please update the link or give a new one. with current when i checkout it loads and then nothing happens. really need this extension

Can we send at particular time?

Downloaded or not?

I couldn’t download it from the link given above but I got it from one of the aia he shared in a reply somewhere.

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