[Free] FancyGallery extension

FancyGallery gives you the possibility to create a wonderful Slide Show of images.
Build your gallery with just a few clicks.


  • Support images from url or from local
  • Infinite number of slides
  • Caption
  • Autoplay
  • Controls
  • Download
  • Thumbnail
  • clickListener
  • Animation
  • Zoom
  • Natural width of image


  • Images String (String + separator)

  • Caption String (String + separator)

  • NumOfImages int (num of images to load)

  • Boolean autoplay (True / False)

  • Controls boolean (True / False)

  • Download boolean (True / False)

  • Thumbnail boolean (True / False)

  • clickListener boolean (True / False)

  • Animation String (Configured in the block Animation eg. Use a list or spinner or equivalent)

  • 31 Avaible animation

FancyGallery use lightGallery
lightGallery is a commercial product and is free to use for non-commercial purposes only.
If you use this free extension for commercial purposes, you do so under your own responsibility.
This extension is for demonstration purposes only.

Commercial OEM license
If you want to include lightGallery as part of software developer kit (SDK), web application builder or website builder, downloadable or installable products like Wordpress themes, HTML templates, or something that produces copies that each use lightGallery, you need to choose the Commercial OEM license. commercial OEM licenses are customized per customer. Contact Edit by Mod: Personal info not allowed, use PM for it.

Open source license
If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use this project under the terms of the GPLv3. lightGallery: Support

FancyGallery.aia (2,5 MB)

com.appybuilder.chiccovision.FancyGallery.aix (15,4 KB)

Built with: https://editor.appybuilder.com/

Regards Marco.


thank you for your contribution!

I’m wondering if setting the assets also works in the apk file like this?

why do the assets have to be set? Aren’t they always in the same location (only difference is development/production)?



Good extension :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice extension.

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Great Work…


This is the development asset, the right one must be set for the apk.

In the file list there is the wall.jpg file which comes from the asset. In appInventor2 it is better to use the PathToassets block of your Taifuntools extension


Good idea, Web Viewer + Script)

Fingers zoom bad work only)

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Thanks for the snippet @bodymindpower .
I didn’t know it.

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awesome extension marco can you give some information about image zoom?

thank you


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It would be nice if we could select them ourselves or it would be nice if they worked simultaneously with the PHASE plugin for this matter. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


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What do you want to know?

I can try to implement a method that change animation on each slide.

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Does it only get close with hand gestures so it doesn’t require the button in the video ???

thank you


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I can add an option that disables the zoom in and zoom out buttons, but the toolbar would always remain. If you wait a few seconds the toolbar hides itself automatically.

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I mean
Can we zoom in or out with our hand gestures without a button?

thank you


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I want to ask the staff a question.
considering that this is not an extension, but HTML and JS do you think the title
[Free] FancyGallery Extension
is ok?

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Yes we can but isn’t a good idea,it doesn’t works fine

Thera are a lot of extension made with javascript library, that you see inside horizontal or vertical or card arrangement

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sorry my mistake you provide the aix file and this is an extension


I want to use it as commercially. What have to do

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