[FREE] Financial Calculator Extension

Financial Calculator Extension

Introducing the Financial Calculator extension, meticulously crafted to augment your Android applications with advanced financial and statistical capabilities. This extension empowers you to perform a wide range of financial calculations, from simple interest and compound interest to net present value and return on investment. It also enables you to carry out essential statistical computations, including calculating the mean, median, mode, variance, and more. Whether you’re creating personal finance apps or data analysis tools, this extension is your indispensable ally.


With the Financial Calculator extension, you can:

  • Format Currency: Format integers as locale-specific currency, making your app user-friendly for audiences worldwide.
  • Calculate Mean: Compute the mean (average) of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Standard Deviation: Determine the standard deviation of a list of integer numbers, with options for population or sample standard deviation.
  • Calculate Median: Find the median of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Mode: Identify the mode of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Variance: Calculate the variance of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Range: Find the range of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Sum: Compute the sum of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Weighted Median: Calculate the weighted median of a list of numbers and their corresponding weights.
  • Simple Interest: Compute simple interest for a given principal, rate, and time.
  • Compound Interest: Calculate compound interest for a given principal, rate, and time.
  • Monthly Payment: Calculate the monthly payment for a loan with a given principal, rate, and time.
  • Net Present Value (NPV): Compute the net present value of cash flows with a given rate.
  • Future Value: Calculate the future value of an investment with a given principal, rate, and time.
  • Present Value: Determine the present value of a future cash flow with a given future value, rate, and time.
  • Time to Reach Future Value: Calculate the number of periods needed to reach a desired future value.
  • Rate to Reach Future Value: Determine the interest rate required to reach a desired future value.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the return on investment.
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS): Compute earnings per share.
  • Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: Calculate the price-to-earnings ratio.
  • Market Capitalization: Determine the market capitalization of a company.
  • Cryptocurrency Profit/Loss: Calculate the profit or loss from buying and selling cryptocurrency.
  • Cumulative Normal Distribution: Compute the cumulative probability of a standard normal distribution.


The Financial Calculator extension provides various blocks to perform calculations and interact with your app. Here are some of the key blocks:

  • Format Currency: Format integers as locale currency based on the currency code.
  • Calculate Mean: Compute the mean of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Standard Deviation: Calculate standard deviation with an option for population or sample standard deviation.
  • Calculate Median: Find the median of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Mode: Determine the mode of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Variance: Compute the variance of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Range: Calculate the range of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Sum: Compute the sum of a list of integer numbers.
  • Calculate Weighted Median: Calculate the weighted median of a list of numbers and their corresponding weights.
  • Simple Interest: Compute simple interest.
  • Compound Interest: Calculate compound interest.
  • Monthly Payment: Calculate the monthly payment for a loan.
  • Net Present Value (NPV): Compute the net present value of cash flows.
  • Future Value: Calculate the future value of an investment.
  • Present Value: Determine the present value of a future cash flow.
  • Time to Reach Future Value: Calculate the time needed to reach a desired future value.
  • Rate to Reach Future Value: Calculate the interest rate required to reach a desired future value.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the return on investment.
  • Earnings Per Share (EPS): Compute earnings per share.
  • Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: Calculate the price-to-earnings ratio.
  • Market Capitalization: Determine the market capitalization.
  • Cryptocurrency Profit/Loss: Calculate cryptocurrency profit or loss.
  • Cumulative Normal Distribution: Calculate the cumulative probability of a standard normal distribution.


You can download the Financial Calculator extension AIX file here:
- Version 1: io.financialcalculator.aix (2.7 MB)
- Version 2: com.bosonshiggs.finanlcialcalculator.aix (1.7 MB)

Your support is greatly appreciated. If you find this extension valuable and wish to contribute to its development, you can make a donation here.

Example Project

Explore the capabilities of the Financial Calculator extension by downloading the example AIA file (version 1) FinancialCalculator.aia (2.7 MB). Click here to access my new public group on Telegram.

Click here to donate any amount from $5 to continue supporting the development of the extension.


Hello, using version 1 or 2 it is giving an execution error. Before it worked correctly.

Check that it is not a general problem. ANATEL sent an injunction to block the website C.kodular.ioc

ok thanks!