[FREE] ListUtilz Extension - A powerful lists management extension

Short description

A powerful list utilities extension to work with lists with multiple functions.

Pictures of all the blocks



Instructions to use extension

Use this block to sort a given list alphabetically. It also considers integers and sort in natural sorting order.

Use this block to sort given list of integers in increasing order. No matter the list item is a single digit or multiple digit. It also supports negative values.

Sort integers within the list of strings in an ascending order.

Reverses the given list.

Search in a given list with a specific keyword and get all items containing the given keyword. Useful for filtering list or making search system. GetFilteredList will return filtered list directly while FilterList will return in ListFiltered event.

Shuffles the given list.

Returns duplicate items as a list.

GetOccurrences block will return the count of item in a list (how many times it is in the list) and index block will return the indices of these items.

Get integer list from 1 to given n

Get minimum and maximum number from a given integer list.

Get last list item

Converts a given list into JSON string.

Compare given two lists and returns true if matches else false.

Returns a new list containing the union of multiple lists (combines the elements from all input lists, removing any duplicates). Accepts multiple lists as input.

Returns a new list containing the distinct (unique) elements from the given list.

Returns a new list containing the intersection of given multiple lists (a new list containing the common elements present in all input lists). Accepts input as list of lists.

Returns a slice (part) of the given list from the start index (inclusive) to the end index (exclusive).


Added a new block FilterListAsync to filter list asynchronously.

Now FilteredList event will return filtered list as well as their indices.

Added Sort List A to Z Async function to sort list async A to Z with indices.


v4 com.thekstudio.ListUtilz.aix (22.6 KB)

Suggest me any new functions or modifications to add in this extension


Another great extension

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Very Useful extension :clap: :heart_eyes: thanks

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Its extension :neutral_face:, btw Thanks.

@The_K_Studio :rofl::rofl: by mistake… BTW edited :grin:

Great, keep making good extensions…

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Added a new method RemoveItems from start index to end index and return filtered list.



What a great Extension … Love you

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wonderfull extension good work @The_K_Studio

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SortListAtoZ block updated with additional parameter of ignoreCase.

Great Extension You should add Filter List Condition also if you can …
In that you may filter 4 to 5 list data as users requirements.
For Example:

  1. In List Named “Status” Should ba (Active)
  2. In Fee List Fee Should Be (500)
  3. In Class Class Should be (5th)
  4. In School name School should be ( AYB)

To apply multiple filters you need to filter each list separately because each list has different list items.

And number of filter criteria differes from user to user so it can’t be predifined in the extension.

May be i will try if this can be done.

I think You should Try it , it will be best List utility extension ever if you done this Changes in it

May be Your Listutils Extension Can Do this procedure More Faster And Easier

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Can i Compare 4 or 5 lists at once to Find Duplicate ?

List intersection does not give you duplicates, it gives a new list that contains common elements from given two lists.

I will try this to implement input list as multiple lists.

Thanks i want to intersection multiple lists …


  1. Filter List functions updated to return result directly as well as in event.
  2. GetListIntersection function now accepts multiple lists.
  3. GetListUnion function now accepts multiple lists.

What a Great Work done :white_check_mark: thanks

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Added a new function SortStringIntegers to sort integers within the list of strings in an ascending order.