[FREE] ListUtilz Extension - A powerful lists management extension

Very very good extension :100: recommended

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with this extension my app works very perfect. very fast to extract data from website. Thanks for creating this super extension


@The_K_Studio i want to know about your all extensions , Do You have any link to all your extensions ,?

Index of Available Extensions:


I checked all Your Extensions , and Very Glad to see no doubt all of your extensions are too Good

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can we get the index number of minimum value of list. For example i have a list : 5,4,3,2,1 then i want to get the minimum value index of the list (index number 5). Can this extension do this?

Yes, it can!

Try this:

I really like this extension, other than the fact it ignores decimal places. I often have to sort numbers to one or two decimal places and it’s a real frustration than these blocks can do that. But, that aside, it’s a brilliant extension, thank you!

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This is a very useful util to all.
The_K_Studio, I have a list with 1 million of registers, that is, Nits with e-mail here un Colombia. What You suggests to me:

  1. Search Email introducing nit using Realtime Database Tool, ir
  2. Download the list as My list and Search Email with tour Tool K_List

I try with firebase but the apk shutdown.

Thanks You K

If i understood your question correctly, you want to search email in your users email list which is stored in firebase.

If so you need to get the list data from firebase first and store in a variable and then you can perform search actions in that list.

a wonderful and convenient extension. some function was missing when working with lists. sometimes a very necessary thing. Is it possible to implement more functions to search for a number in the list among the values of the nearest value ? for example, the list “10,20,30” with a value of 27 would find the value 30 or a number in the list?

ok will try this.

Updated v2

[quote=“The_K_Studio, post:1, topic:224792”]

Added a new block FilterListAsync to filter list asynchronously.

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You should also add index in list to after filtering results

Index of filtered list items in original list?

You can do this by kodular existing block Index in list item block from lists. Use for each item loop to get of filtered list items from original list.

But it will take time if we filter a big list , what if your aix is already filtering and you just put index too

I have updated Filtered List event:


Great :100::100::100: love your extension it’s too good

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How could I make it so that my list, instead of being ordered alphabetically, is ordered randomly? If it is possible to do this with ListItilz?

Yes you can do this, use shuffle list block.

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