[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

This is very intresting dynamic extension.
We can play with it in different aspects.


hi, I have a problem, when I set the ball speed to move the ball in canvas it not work.
If a try to use SET PROPERTY I get this error
method com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Sprite.Speed argument 1 has type float, got gnu.math.IntNum

Do I wrong something ?


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Use floor block from math before putting x and y value to change eg. 1.06 float value to 1

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Set Property block is only works with booleans at the moment, I’m trying to find a way to support all types. In this time, please continue using Any Component.

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Thankyou very much .
if I set the property by any component the value is set, becausae I did try to read the value with “GetProperty” method. but the sprite not move .
I really wish for a new update as soon as possible. thankyou very much


Hi @yusufcihan Thanks for making this extension

Now i’ll make girdview with the help of dynamic component extension & dynamic image

image Here Is Blocks

here is demo images

so thanks for this great extension


@yusufcihan @Italo @Vishwas @ImranTariq
@Hossein @Taifun
i have two questions regarding extension

  1. Can we add a circular loading bar at after every 5 positions so that lists are loaded in groups of 5 after every 5
    Just like recycler view

2.how to set width or height of a component to fill parent?


just asking, what do i enter for Image Sprite?

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Yep, just use modulo block to test if counter (in your loop) can be divided with 5.

Try -1 and -2 but you can use Screen.Width also.




also can the id be a text string?

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Yes, it can be every type of a value.


Ohhh i’ll try but how can we check that at which position user is scrolling down!?

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Hold on, ID can be a text string now?

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Yeah, in Version 1.1, make sure you updated to the latest version from first post! Sorry, looks like I didn’t include that in the post. :slight_smile:


 That was a major change. Anyway, it would be much easier to sort components now. I appreciate the update!

The best extension of the year!


I understand that “Set Property” is experiental block for time being. Is it supposed for setting properties editable in designe mode? Is it possible to set designer-only properties (e.g. TextAlignment for a Label) using “Any Component” method?

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Actually I added that method for property blocks which only have a Setter or Getter. It dynamically calls the method which declared in component’s source code. So, if designer-only properties have not a method declared in component code which is for setting and getting, then Set Property block won’t work for the property. :pensive:

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In that case you can use a try and catch block (If you don’t already use one)


I already use it, but it doesn’t fix missing methods anyway :grin:

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