[Free/OS] [Ver 1.1 Asteroid] Razorpay Payment API Based Extension

where is new script

this error

where is new Script

Check amount Or you can try with Awardspace

same problem with awardspace

Please Check This And Update Script

Will the extension still be released, or have you given up?

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I guess @Enderman is currently silenced :thinking:


I am working on a online stroe app and in that I will load API of each seller from database .

Is there any way so that I can change api key within app so that buyer will directly pay to seller​:eyes: beacause for every seller hosting a new php will not likely good.

How Can i get My Succes Transaction id from Webviewr to KOdular

Can anyone tell me how to do this with live credentials?
Because with test credentials I am unable to charge money from my customers.

Razorpay need verification for going live.

And you get verified after certain conditions are met.

It’s possible to use Razorpay link to create payment without verification

Thank You
Jerin Jacob

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As phone number is auto added
How to add email automatic in Razorpay payment screen

Will release with this feature With other feature Within this week

yes please and kindly update the extension as well

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I am in Vacation Will release everything in January

Can anybody tell me the possible reason of this error

I am using these blocks

Issue With your Razorpay. Contact With Razorpay I checked it

Ok thank you so much

Should I change the script type with python

  • Pros

    • No need of uploading to server or hosting
    • Will Use POST
    • Better than PHP
  • Cons

    • May be slower as it will be deployed in railway (If multiple requests)
  • Stay With PHP
  • Change , Use Python

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