[Free/OS] [Ver 1.1 Asteroid] Razorpay Payment API Based Extension

I will deploy it with railway.app

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I may make it paid . If higher request


now this extension is working

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My extension is fine he had problem with his key


extension is working fine but after upi enter and procced and cancel than payment cancel but after 2 scond its show payment success.
i use test mode only

i am getting the same error while doing from upi

have you solved it ?

may be its was the problem of razorpay.

hello is file update or not

It is working

Project continued

Finally i found . Thanks for your contribution

There is no need of pythonā€¦ I already did it with the help of PHP and curlā€‹:joy::joy::joy:And giving additional features like- PAYOUT, SETTLEMENTS,REFUNDS, PAYMENTS, PAYMENT LINKS & MANY MOREā€¦Now anyone donā€™t need to upload any scripts or files on his hostingā€¦Only need to put API key and secret Id to extension :yawning_face::yawning_face:
Price- 200ā‚¹ / 5$:upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Deploy the project on production mode then it will work , I think !!!:slightly_smiling_face:

As you use PHP it is not secure because your hosting it in your Server

I can do the same for free. As i ahve domain still not doing because it may abuse any privacy of my user

Anyone can make a video on this
how we can use it
please provide
if you can do

Hi @Enderman,

Can you please tell how to prefill Email with Blocks so that the user does not have to enter it again.

In URL returned Event. how do we add Email parameter to the returned URL?

You Need to modify the script