Good work. Online payment inclusion may be made simple with this extension.
Instead of companion try in apk
Worked for me!
Why did I have an error 1 month ago, and I still have an error when downloading aix today? Is it still not fixed?
Downladed it Just Now.
Faced No Error.
I don’t understand, is the version I downloaded is wrong?
Which one should I download?
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Please don’t use capitals in your post, because it looks like shouting
Btw, welcome to the community
Can you help me with this error?
I created a company paypay account, changed the currency to BRL, created the sandbox account, used the credentials provided by paypal (fictitious email and password), but I persist with this error:
Which Language used in extension??
Try to test by APK.
PayPal will end the use of the PayPal Mobile SDK and the Braintree JS SDK Version 2 on December 7, 2020. Will it be possible to continue making payments with this extension?
Using paypal extension, can i publish app into google play store?
Also using in app purchase.
yes i think yes if it will not be published then what is the use of this extension
see here
is the extension working now after paypal removed thier sdk 1 month ago ?
i have applied for business paypal account thats why in am unable to test