Free PDF Creator Multipage?

Hi, please help me to create a Pdf file with multipage to stock ASD in Documents Internal Storage.


I have converted, multiple layouts into multiplage pdf using this extension…

Have you tried anythin

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Yes here is what I was able to achieve

Result :
The pdf file has no pagination but scrollable

Yesterday I was helping him and exploring the extension but I could not create a pagination, the result is a continuous PDF of a single page, if you manage to do it, share it.

the value of pages does not differ at all, it does not matter to put 1,2,3,4 always returns a single page


I have used this block to print multiarrangement into single pdf depending upon API of app

erlier i was help a person who used page layout (created multipage using dyna comp) and i printed succefully all the pages (almost 10) one after another in a simnle pdf…


I have not tried the KIO4 extension, the user uses the following, I will try KIO4, thanks

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