[Free] Roller || Create Awesome Circular Seekbar

Great effort :smirk:

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thanks @Hadi_Editz :heart:

New Update:

Version 2.1

  1. Solve problems related to design properties
  2. Add more blocks
  3. Rename some blocks
  4. Add description for blocks


com.aemo.roller.aix (29.9 KB)

Great extension. thank you very much! I used it as a power indicator. it is a pity that the representation of the circle is limited to dots and a solid line- I would like more options (lines, stripes…) and select the indicator image. then it’s generally perfect.

and what new blocks have been added have you noticed?


You are welcome :hugs:

I’m glad to hear that

I didn’t understand what you mean exactly, but if you want to use it as a line, you can use the progress bar or any extension like it because the progress bar is the same as mine but my extension is curved.

It’s just one block to change the font of the label below the seek bar

I mean, filling in a circle now there is an option either with dots or solid color. I wish there were more strokes or squares… and I would like the indicator itself to have the ability to image, and not just a stick

I use your wonderful extensions like this. it is visually convenient:


What about this extension

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this is a very limited extension in its capabilities. it is unusable

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I couldn’t have achieved such an overlay with any other extension. using the example of an overlay, and it is convenient to implement.

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and here is an example of how your extension was implemented by me on the Wear OS watch.

Your extension performs the functions I need very well and in my case there are dozens of necessary extensions in the list.
Thanks again for implementing this extension. P.S. and so I would like more extensions for Wear (curved labels, lists…but that’s another story:(


Since I am the owner of a Wear OS compatible Samsung watch and developing free extensions and apps, I am very curious how you managed to get an app like this, especially how to get it running on your watch?
Thank you.

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I had to write the extension myself anyway :slight_smile:



Awesome broo @11119 :star_struck:

How do I locate the element, because it is not visible? or how do I make it visible?

Which element do you mean?

the seekbar, how am I going to place it this looks like a non-visible element?

Show your blocks

I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself clear, I’m talking about not understanding the blocks, I need an example.

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This is very simple example

Don’t worry, I have created a description of all the blocks that you can read by pausing your mouse cursor on the block whose usefulness you do not understand, and its description will appear for you.

Make sure you have downloaded the latest version