[FREE] UUID - generate /retrieve a unique id of your device

We also check you apk but does not work on android 10

I am totally confused please suggest me.
V1 work on android version 10 or below but v2 work on only android version 11 but not work on android version 10 or below.
How can use this extension in same project?

Please merge v1 and v2 and make new v3 which are work on all android version.

I don’t have Android 10, but i tested V2 on Android 7, it’s working.

We check you apk. It work on android 11 but not work on android 10 or below.
Please solve my problem

Any body plz help to check with the apk in post 44, and feedback with your cell phone brand and Android version

Finally, uuid extension does not work properly so anybody can’t use this extension. We also remove from my project. Thanks developer

You have said so much but no useful information. No code no photo no cellphone brand no Android version. Only not working not working.
What’s your phone brand? Have you tested on other phone? What are them?
I have tested on Android 11 and 7 in real phone, it’s working.

I have test it on redmi 9 pro android 10

Google Pixel 3 Android 10. App loads, asks for permission, pressing button does nothing - should it show the UUID ? (Yes it should, just tested on Android 11 device :wink: )

Thank you @TimAi2, i will check later

Hi @TimAi2, please try this v4 in first post.
I tested on Huawei mate 30 pro (android 10) and Huawei Honor (android 10), both working.
but failed on Redmi k20 pro (android 10). It can return UUID but it changed after uninstall/reinstall.

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V4 Tested working, companion and compiled on AI2 with Google Pixel 3 Android 10 and Google Pixel 4A Android 11 :slight_smile:


Is this extension work on every device?

No body can test on ‘every’ device, why not test on your phone and report here?

i tested on redmi5 version 8 android. it’s worked. In your knowledge is there any phone that was not work this extension


not working in redmi 6a device read/write permission given

i think we can do same thing with file component im right

aia please because i try to use it but it not working with me

Show what you have tried.

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i do it using v4 and it’s work well