[FREE v2] LeaderBoard Extension - Sort Users Score!

I’m having a problem, if two users have the same name.
It only shows the score of 1

Doens’t previous js method work for you? Sorted fb tags alphabetically

It works normally, but if there are users with the same name, I get an error
Select list item: Attempt to get item number 5 of a list of length 4:

Can you show me, what did you adjust??

users with different name

two users named Kodular

I didn’t adjust the blocks, they’re still the same.

I managed to succeed that way, but I made a kludge.
When the user creates the account, I save a random number after the name, when I put it in the classification I remove only the numbering.

but there must be some way without changing my firebase structure.

please show your fb struture… I have sughgested the blocks based on your query only…

If you prepare your logic like this then it is easy to sort any type of data with js
3ynrtugft - JavaScript - OneCompiler have a look at this

My Fb :


My Blocks :

App Response :

(One Condition, you must enable this from settings)

this is an example with two users with the same name, which causes a problem with the display

As I reported earlier, I just got it that way. saving a random number after creating the account and removing the numbering in the display.

I have several scores because they are from different areas.
My issue is only if two people use the same name everything else is working fine.

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Pls see my previous reply. You have answer in that. The only solution is use sorting based js, you will get exact result

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Extension updated u can use with same names

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You can use airtable it has inbuilt sorting feature and can be designed as we want

How do you put the names and pictures on the list in a different place? Kodular’s own listings or a different plugin?

thanks for updating the extension.

Now it’s working with same names.

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the dynamic component extension and the LeaderBoard extension were used

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I want to create ranking system, how to create with this extension, there will be score as well as rank. Means two person having same score will show same rank in the leaderboard screen.

it does not sort from higest to lowest score.used same blocks as shown .

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks including Do it results, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


output i got is this.@Taifun

Create 2 sample lists and try if it works, there might be issue with your blocks.