[Free] VideoLayout extension (Big Fix!)

I already did it and it didn’t work

ok do like this first disable the clock 2 and from designer properties and set the duration to 1000 after that on screen initialize enable it

didn’t work

can you share the path??? of that video

The video path is a video mp4 downloaded with a downloader and saved in tndb You can have a look at aia if you like of course.
My friend sent me aia and he told me that he works but he doesn’t work for me. Is the problem in andriod 5.1.1???
Please help me with this, I really need it :pray::pray:

When I go to screen 2, the app exits

versions should not be a problem and can you try putting the same path inside the video player component of kodular itself

The path works fine with other playback tools, but here it is broken. !!!??

It even works with the launcher in kodular

try with set uri block not sure it would work but try once

Sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you mean. Please give me version 1 I’m sure it will work for me .
thank you

i mean try this -
block instead

Screen Initialize block is triggered even before the drawn of the arrangements.
So the problem is seen, I guess. You can use post method, so you can use after layout is successfully drawn.

Runnable run =......;

Or you can use ViewTreeObserver too…

I may be wrong too :no_mouth:


I mean this can be fixed in extension too if you use post method available in layouts class…
So the layout is used after it is created or drawn. And user can use that block in Screen Initialize .


I don’t have to use this blocks because I want to play the video without internet
Am i right ! :confused:

I sent the app to my friend who has Android higher than 5.1.1 and he told me it works fine.
I think the problem is from Android 5.1.1
If someone is running Android 5.1.1 and has this extension, please let me know. Thank you

yea but for some users this block worked maybe you should try it too

I put the path of the video in that block !?

It failed again and this message appeared :point_down: :point_down:
(invoke: no method named `CreateVideoLayout’ in class java.lang.Boolean)