[Free] VideoLayout extension (Big Fix!)

Did you use it after the timer event?
Because as they said before the code that runs on screen initialization happens before the drawing of layouts so it may be the problem

I updated my Android to 6 and this extension is still not working

But this time, the application did not close automatically, but rather opened the screen and left it white

@Jihed did you read -

Hlw I have try this but video not playing .
What is my wrong.?

extension does not work on initialize use a clock with second interval

It’s working now but another problem that How can I use this as a video background layout??

ok first make a arrangement with components you want to put above the videolayout and use addview block

Hlw Can I Play Video from app asset .?
I trying to play video from asset but video not playing it’s only working with firebase storage url

Happy birthday ajoy

It needs a full path to video.

I just uploaded a video to app asset . Then What’s the full path of video.?

@Hridoy_Sorker i think this might help -

Not working .
Can you suggest me some video storage website like firebase where I can Store video and use as video layout for free . Cz it’s only working with online video url .

Just a minute i will make a block to load from asset

Have You checked .?

com.aktech.videolayout.aix (9.5 KB)

What is this extension.?

It has a new SetViewWithAsset block

What is my wrong can you check please.
Not working for me :cry: