I am happy to be a loyal user of kodular now its the best.
I still remember how i thought makeroid might be and found out it is some boring than other builders thats because i was fan of appybuilder and then after your new version of makeroid came out after months of waiting i tried it. It was better but not satisfactory but when i see kodular now its the best builder ever. Never thought your help support in community will be so damn awesome now i am used to checkout community and even started helping others.
Now i can say without any doubt no other builders could compete you and the kodular eagle update is really massive. Its like i am just checking what things i need is not there and i found nothing because of your great update. I am really happy with your services i will look forward to be loyal and always respect your rules and regulations. I will refer kodular to everyone from now no matter what happens.
Your happy user
Long live Kodular
vive la kodular
When will Kodular Bring BACKGROUND COMPONENT
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Wrong place. Open a new thread.
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