Hey Guys, I’ve been working on a E-commerce App. The functionality which i want to add is: Their is a list of Product which is created using Dynamic component , each containing details about that product and share icon. When share icon clicked it gives a shareable link which will only open in that app and if app in not already installed and installed after that. then the moment you sign up/login, it will take you to that Product. Where you can proceed further.
Thank You
Various guides and extensions are available on community Search results for 'Deep link' - Kodular Community
Well i read various threads but all i could find is how to create a link which open in my app from a external website where i have to make links again and again which is not feasable if you have dynamically created list. and also it is creating externally , but i want to generate link through my app. I hope you understand? Here is a different example i could find which used kinda same logic. link When someone install this app using this link, they get some reward kind of referral system.
I have a good news and a bad news.
Good news is that Firebase has a feature of deep link, deep links can created manually in firebase console and dynamically using API.
Dynamic Deep Link Docs Firebase Dynamic Links | Firebase Documentation
Bad News is firebase deep link will shut down on 25 August 2025.
Means it’s not for long term. You can find it’s alternatives firebase deep link alternative - Google Search
Create a deep link for specific screen and parse start url in that screen to navigate user to product id included in start url.