I am having issues extracting latitude and longtitude information from Google Maps’ Get My Location block.
As you can see in the above screenshot, I get the entire location data by using the given Get My Location block, but I am not able to separate the longtitude, latitude and the precision values (which are a result of the Get My Location block).
For example, this is the output of the Get My Location block:
I was thinking of using RegEx but I could only find RegEx match which only returns True or False as the output, but is not able to copy the matched text so that I can store/use it somewhere.
So, long story short - from a text like this: (22.2222 11.1111 9.493) I want one label to dispaly 22.2222 and the second label to display 11.1111.
“Get current location using Google Map Service. Return a YailList with first item being the latitude, the second item being the longitude, and last time being the accuracy of the reading.”