Get row data in airtable index problem

I got row from airtable but it shows different index of data as of spreadsheet.

This is airtable spreadsheet data(Airtable Android app)
Here Data in first index is Post name and 2nd index is Post image …
But when I get row and it shows different index

See here …1st index is not same it shows mix indexes…i am totally confused now how to get proper column data
Please help me .
My spreadsheet has many columns so I can’t get all in starting of the app …it may reduce speed and I have one and only option is to get data of specific row and then get column data with index .
But it shows different index …please help me

Anybody has solution?

Can you show us the blocks?


Do you use MIT App Inventor as creator ?

I want to show data of some column ( suppose coulmn ’ age ’ which is on no 5 in spreadsheet)
But when I get a row of all columns … index of all columns get change. .
Then Ok …I used all changed index of columns to get data …
But after another minute …it changed index …
Age columns…which is on 7th index before is now on 3rd index and it continues to change whenever I add another row into spreadsheet …:frowning:.

My question is - when we get row in spreadsheet … it gives us same index of columns as of spreadsheet.
If yes? …then there is any problem in component or any error ? Or i am doing some mistake?

Post a test aia here that shows the problem

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