Get the path of → ASD (app-specific dir) & → private data dir (internal storage)

we can download file to private dir with Web component, no need read or write permission.

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I don’t think so, but I like to be surprised and am curious about your approach (blocks).

Sorry my mistake.
It indeed need the write permission even if download to private dir.

I made this mistake, because I tested on other AI distro (wxbit), where the write permission not needed.

Yes, but furthermore it doesn’t seem to be possible (even with WRITE permission) to download files to the privateDir using the Web component.

So again, show your blocks.

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What does this path have to do with the privateDir (internal storage)?


As I said before, it doesn’t work with the Web component.


I tested on Wxbit (, Web component can download to private dir, and with no write permission.
Maybe they modify the source code.

Kodular staff should do the same, i think.

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We are here on the Kodular community. So please test with Kodular.

When I test something, I basically do it on the original (→ AI2) and on Kodular.
On both of them it doesn’t work with the Web component (and I doubt it works with other distros, regardless of the permissions issue).

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Permission will be always asked:


And for this path → grafik
WRITE permission is required in any case.

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Even with the ExtendedDownloader extension from @Atom_Developer it does not seem to be possible to download directly to the privateDir.

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Thanks for this extension.

How to delete the files on ASD directory?

How Can I share a file after any given file has been downloaded?

Thanks for your support!

These questions don’t actually relate to my extension, but nevertheless:


Thanks for your time and orientation on this.



Where is “Path” component in this extension ?

It isn’t a component, it is a procedure, look example in…


Please provide aia and test apk of this


This file​:pleading_face:
How can i make it (.aix)?