Get Values from airtable and Firebase data base on user scroll

Get Values from airtable and Firebase data base on user scroll

When A user scroll get value for dynamic components card
Is it possible if yes then plz show me blocks

This method is not working :point_up::point_up::point_up:

Any other method???

Next time please use search :mag:

I already know this extension and i also know how to use it but i want to Get Values from airtable and Firebase data base on user scroll

For dynamic components

Like this Custom Loading for all databases [jugard] - YouTube

Watch it from 0:18

I have already search it for many times but I didn’t get any solution and many method didn’t worked so I created a Topic

Didn’t Anyone Get Solution,

I hope you are mistaken, upon user scroll no one will take values from firebase or airtable, the base logic is, when screen initialised app will collect all datas from either firebase or airtable and show them limited or fixed amount of values in dynamic component… upon user scroll if the scrolled length reaches the amount of item displays then again app will start to build up for another set untill it reaches all items…

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