Getting error in custom listview extension

I am using the custom listview extension by @Souvik_Bera but it gives error
Unknown color Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
I am using a colour as you can see in screenshot. Can anyone help.

Btw i Am doing it in companion and haven’t buyed it.

Its takes hex color code as input. Dont pass appinventor color block.

Can you give any example how to create it.

Hex color code ex. #ffffff for white, #00ff00 for green and like that. Just pass it as a string

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Yoy mean this.

Yes. with the # symbol

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@Souvik_Bera how about changing the extension to use App Inventor colours instead?


Still getting error

@Vishwas Thanks for your suggestion, I will add the support of App Inventor color blocks along with the existing hex value in the next update.


Click on the editor once. The color parameter is not changed yet.

Done that, I restarted the companion also but still not working.

You’re doing something wrong. Reload the builder.

Reloded the bulider, deleted all blocks and again made same blocks as shown in screenshot above.
I have only these blocks on the screen.

Can you post the blocks again ?

see the aia also bit.aia (256.0 KB)

Done, Actually forgot to change Colour code for stroke.

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Change the stroke and stroke color too. stroke is the border width size in px its not a color

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Thanks for helping @Souvik_Bera and you must consider suggestion of @Vishwas.


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