Getting Particular cell value from googlesheet


I am having like this data in google sheet, Suppose if my student enter his number (say 989) and hit search button how can i get remaining details in separate box? (ie. Name in Text box 2, std in text box 3, sec in text box 4)

I was tried with these blocks but unable to get data in text box 2. If get mean reaming box i will adjust it.

Please dont recommend to use cloudsheet extension. I dont want to use paid extensions…

let me try kodular

This might not work @Akshat_Rana as the OP is using GoogleSheet(read again the title and the description) and Airtable

spreadsheet1 mean, Are you mentioning airtable list?

What do you get from that block?

I use google spreadsheet for saving some data, and if want to download some value, i use query ex select B where A = text_box1.value. and i got text what i looking for.

@sayidtarmizi I have found the blocks with this thread…

moderators can close this thread…

Create a list view
after picking
Store in tinydb
Call tinydb

It will work for sure…