Getting the directory tree from the server

I can’t solve the problem.
You need to get the directory structure on the server as a list.
There is a php script on the server that the application accesses and in response receives a Json response from the server directories.

Directory structure:
Directory structure

php script for getting a tree of directories and files:

 * Converts a filesystem tree to a PHP array.
function dir_to_array($dir)
        if (! is_dir($dir)) {
                // If the user supplies a wrong path we inform him.
                return null;
        // Our PHP representation of the filesystem
        // for the supplied directory and its descendant.
        $data = [];
        foreach (new DirectoryIterator($dir) as $f) {
                if ($f->isDot()) {
                        // Dot files like '.' and '..' must be skipped.
                $path = $f->getPathname();
                $name = $f->getFilename();
                if ($f->isFile()) {
                        $data[] = [ 'file' => $name ];
                } else {
                        // Process the content of the directory.
                        $files = dir_to_array($path);
                        $data[] = [ 'dir'  => $files,
                                    'name' => $name ];
                        // A directory has a 'name' attribute
                        // to be able to retrieve its name.
                        // In case it is not needed, just delete it.
        // Sorts files and directories if they are not on your system.
        \usort($data, function($a, $b) {
                $aa = isset($a['file']) ? $a['file'] : $a['name'];
                $bb = isset($b['file']) ? $b['file'] : $b['name'];
                return \strcmp($aa, $bb);
        return $data;
 * Converts a filesystem tree to a JSON representation.
function dir_to_json($dir)
        $data = dir_to_array($dir);
        $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
		return $data;

echo dir_to_json('manuals-test/');

The structure of the Json response from the server: (Checked the structure in an online check: valid (RFC 8259))

            "name":"category 1"
                  "file":"file 1.txt"
                  "file":"file 2.txt"
            "name":"category 2"
      "name":"catalog 1"
                  "file":"file 1.txt"
                  "file":"file 2.txt"
                  "file":"file 3.txt"
            "name":"category 1"
                  "file":"file 1.txt"
                  "file":"file 2.txt"
                  "file":"file 3.txt"
                  "file":"file 4.txt"
            "name":"category 2"
      "name":"catalog 2"

But I can’t convert the Json response to a list in the application.

My Blocs and Screen: